Interior Focused
Full Detail
- Cloth surfaces get thorough vacuum & steam/shampooed
- Leather, Plastic, Rubber, Vinyl (all non-cloth surfaces) cleaned with a citrus-based cleaner and conditioned
- Windows cleaned
- Includes "Standard" exterior wash âž¡âž¡
Mini Detail
*Identical service to Full Detail but doesn't include shampoo*
Exterior Focused
Standard Wash "Level 0"
- Hand wash using wax-infused soap (Most other services call it "Wash & Wax")
- Towel dried
- Windows, Wheels/tires cleaned & treated
Level 1 Exterior Detail
- All of the same services as Level 0
- "Strip shampoo" heavy foam bath wash for deep clean
- Chemical decontamination to remove contaminants embedded in the paint
- Physical decontamination for DEEP clean
- Hand applied paint sealant for protection
(an upgrade from "hand wax")
"Plus" Exterior Upgrade
*Identical to Level 1 except no physical decontamination/claybar so a less intensive cleaning)